Richard D. Henry - Founder & Financial Industry Strategy Consultant
Rich is a 36-year veteran of the financial services industry. Over the past 30 years he has studied hundreds of financial institutions, interviewed, researched and conducted focus-groups with thousands of top-performing financial professionals and trained tens of thousands of financial professionals in Investment Banking, Commercial Banking, Private Banking, Retail Banking, Wealth Management and Private Equity. During this time he has acted as strategic advisor to executives at more than 100 financial institutions while supporting their efforts to effectively build and integrate teams, strategy and organizational culture as part of large scale bank mergers and acquisitions.
In 1988, as a college freshman, Rich accepted an entry level position in banking and knew it was what he was meant to do from the very start. He quickly learned that the best-of-the-best in the industry shared similar positive ways of thinking, were properly trained, coached and led to master their craft. The rest seemed to languish and eventually grow cynical, negative and, ultimately, detrimental to team success. Luckily, Rich was mentored by some of the best and coached to adopt their attitudes and behaviors. As a result, during his tenure, his teams broke many of the bank's revenue growth & business development records.
In 1994, Rich was recruited away from the bank by the financial service industry's preeminent strategy consulting firm. While with the firm he spent most of his time conducting best-practice research and helping his clients (Investment Banks and Commercial Banks) develop revenue growth strategies while also training their people to implement best practice based business growth strategies . At 26 Rich was promoted by the founder and became the youngest Senior Vice President in the firm's history.
In 1999 Rich founded Millennium Consulting Group. Millennium conducts observational studies, interviews and focus groups to understand the attitudes and behaviors of the best-of-the-best in financial services. The firm then compares these industry specific best-practices to those of top-performers from outside the industry (non-financial business leaders, athletes, musicians, political figures etc.). Armed with these best practices, Millennium leads workshops for financial professionals and advises financial executives on the best practices of the best people and organizations in the industry. The goal is to help each of the clients the firm works with to create a sustainable competitive advantage by optimizing the skills and attitudes of their people and by helping them develop an industry leading high performance culture.