Why Millennium
Because We Help Make Your People Your Most Sustainable Competitive Advantage

5 Reasons Our Clients Believe We Are The Right Choice For Them
As a financial institution you are in the business of helping your clients manage risk, control volatility and create high returns. We like to think we do the same thing for you as our client. Hiring an outside consultant to provide any type of training for your team can be a very risky proposition. Failed training sessions that provide nothing more than big picture, non-industry-specific, non-pragmatic information delivered by an industry outsider can fall flat or worse. In the process, a failed session or sessions will reflect poorly on internal training and development consultants and also the line executive responsible for sponsoring the training. Like you do for your clients, we work with you to maximize return while minimizing risk. Listed below are the five methods we employ to help you mitigate risk while maximizing your return on training investment:
1. Research & Best-Practice Approach
All of our training content and programs are built based on best-practice research. We have studied the financial industry, the best companies in the industry and also the best people in the industry. We use the results of our research to build the programs we deliver for our clients. If we include a strategy or technique in our training programs you can rest assured that strategy or technique has been vetted through our research process which is designed to ensure professionalism, practicality and effectiveness. This is the science part of the business.
Why Research & Best Practices Are Important?
- Best-practices are proven to provide the highest likelihood of success
- Best-practices are market tested and proven by top performers
- Best-practices have the highest "buy-in" ratio with top performers
- Best-practices provide instant course and instructional credibility
- Best-practices produce results when...
2. EQ and AI Fueled Curriculum
EQ = Emotional Intelligence - AI = Absolute Integrity
Financial services must be, at all levels of the industry, a relationship business and a business that is based on absolute trust and integrity. Financial transactions whether they be for a large corporation, an affluent family or a retail client bring with them a high level of emotion and a fiduciary responsibility. Financial relationships and transactions can be incredibly complex from an interpersonal dynamics standpoint and require a relationship based on honest personalized advice. It is the responsibility of the financial professional to guide his/her client through a consultative process based in trust and then manage that relationship going forward. This requires an incredibly high level of emotional intelligence (EQ) and absolute integrity (AI). With this in mind we have made EQ and absolute integrity the foundational underpinnings of every program we deliver. Participants...
more3. Financial Industry Specialization
We work, and will continue to work, in one industry and one industry only. Our experience and expertise is in financial services, our research is in financial services and your consultant/instructor has spent his entire 35-year career in financial services. We've studied the industry's top performers and we have studied the preferences of financial clients and partners. When Millennium was founded in 1999 the idea was simple if not cliche: Be the best in the financial services industry... not the biggest. The financial industry is complex and requires programs and people are built for it.
Why Industry Specialization Is Important?
- Industry specialization provides for laser focused content customization
- Industry specialization turbo charges "buy-in" levels with participants
- Industry specialization eliminates the possibility of cross industry strategy breakdown
- Industry specialization increases likelihood of success with...
4. Collaboration & Customization
Lack of collaboration & customization is one of the biggest reasons training programs fall apart before, during and, most often, after the training event itself. To give a training program the highest probability of success all internal and external players must collaborate and customize. We work in total collaboration with internal training and development consultants and line executives to ensure that each program and each strategy presented in our programs is the perfect fit for the client we are working with.
Why Customization & Collaboration Are Important?
- Customization & collaboration create partnerships between external consultants and client side consultants
- Customization & collaboration increase "buy-in" levels with participants
- Customization & collaboration allow instructors to instruct more effectively
- Customization & collaboration provide an opportunity to build on past programs and...
5. Instructor Experience & Track-Record
Your instructor, for every session, will be our founder. Because our objective is to be the best at what we do (never the biggest) we keep our client list short and dedicate our best resources to every project. When you engage Millennium you go straight to the top. There are no junior level instructors or rookie facilitators. We offer one instructor who has spent the better part of the past 35 (plus) years studying human performance. Over the past four decades he has studied hundreds of financial institutions, interviewed and conducted focus-groups with thousands of top-performing financial professionals and trained tens of thousands of financial professionals in Investment Banking, Commercial Banking, Private Banking, Retail Banking, Wealth Management and Private Equity. He has acted as strategic advisor to executives at more than 100 financial institutions.
Why Track Record & Confidence Are Important?
- Track-record increases buy-in...